The multiplayer supermarket has arrived to your neighbourhood for free! Stock your shop space, unlock perks and franchises, hire employees or chase those pesky shoplifters. The more players, the more action!
Small patch which introduces the first drivable vehicle. The next feature we want to study its implementation is grid snapping + furniture snapping.
Halloween music, ghosts and extra props visible in city will disappear this incoming weekend but decoration and paintables will persist in case players want to use them.
- Implemented a new prop under the devices menu tab: the Mini Transport Vehicle. It is rideable by players and allow 6 boxes to be carried on it. Since it is its first implementation there could be problems that will be solved over time. Controls are:
* WASD to accelerate, decelerate and turn.
* E to get out
* F to honk
* Space and right click to do a tiny hop forward or backward respectively in case it gets stuck somehow or for some stubborn walkway.
Boxes remaining in the transport will not save for now so make sure to store them before leaving the game.
- Added 24 new achievements and the respective ingame stats tracking for them to work. Achievements are normally awarded at the end of day.
- Related to previous point, the cat can now be petted.
- Added a shortcut button in manager blackboard to order all the current products in view at once. It is the big + located in the bottom right corner of the area.
- Moved the 4x recycling box perk in the tree so it’s more useful early game.
- Modified tutorial to not mention the deprecated tablet.
- Restored TVs collision which was removed long ago due to not having tables at hand could cause players to get stuck.