Mid-November Patch: More Lights!

Supermarket Together

The multiplayer supermarket has arrived to your neighbourhood for free! Stock your shop space, unlock perks and franchises, hire employees or chase those pesky shoplifters. The more players, the more action!

Hello! Steam Cloud saving system will probably be activated around tomorrow if all testings go correctly, that also means adding the game to Geforce Now is one step closer. Changelog: - Implemented 17 new lights in its respective Builder tab. - Added a half version of the current custom shelf as new furniture. - Added new options settings: * An option to toggle always running mode (Shift key would then be used to walk) * An option for deactivating browser, this doesn’t work ingame and has to be set from main menu. * Two options to change crosshair size and color. * An option to confine mouse cursor inside the window. * An option to modify night dim factor. This mitigates the auto-exposure correction during night, a factor of 0 will deactivate it. - Added a new field in the pricing machine and now prices can be set via percentage, it also rounds prices automatically down to first decimal. For quickly price setting, select he percentage, keep selecting products and then press the assigned key to numpad accept. - Gave more height to basic fridge and double fridge, this fixes bottles not entirely fitting them and makes products like yoghurt win a stack. - Door transit states should now be saved between sessions. - Fixed an issue in which player’s footsteps would stop sounding for a moment after leaving the vehicle. - Employees will now try to ignore the new door transit system. - Load Store menu area is now scrollable. - Optimized the geometry of plenty of products for a small performance gain, some of them will be retweaked again. - Tweaked some vehicle parameters to check if there are improvements to the teleport or floating players issue.