New patch! Lasers! New magic wand terraformation

Planet Centauri

Embark on your greatest adventure to Planet Centauri! Explore hidden dungeons, capture and tame monsters, build and protect a NPC community, craft your own weapons and create your own magic spells! Develop and raise the Planet Centauri to the heavens as the cradle of a new civilization!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/12134860/fb64033564e3884de9912e818e78fd78c99cbc30.gif[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/12134860/f96a38de7989c1d1da12bbf856bd67018001adfb.gif[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/12134860/86b02cc85962147798e3f1042caac2f9d04fa90b.gif[/img] [u][b]Adds:[/b][/u] - Lasers - New rune: Mana regen / Mana per hit - Magic wands to change the ground surface - Ice blocks transmutation magic wand [u]Engine[/u] - Dynamic laser engine, fully customisable from config files - color, size, shape - deformation type - configurable lightning effect arround - Guns can burst dynamic lasers with access to all custom parameters [u]Fixed[/u] - Soulgems bounce on companion orbs and NPCs (shops) - Doors cannot be closed if there is a companion orb in the way - Small grass and ground deposits are not rendered correctly in windy conditions - Protector unique monsters can be catched