New Class! The Breaker!

Planet Centauri

Embark on your greatest adventure to Planet Centauri! Explore hidden dungeons, capture and tame monsters, build and protect a NPC community, craft your own weapons and create your own magic spells! Develop and raise the Planet Centauri to the heavens as the cradle of a new civilization!

Hello! Another new class, The breaker! (Iron armor) [b]1 - Eviction[/b] [i]"Project enemies and the Spike Ball straight ahead, but contact damage is capped at 50%"[/i] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/12134860/d9b333b8e5dfb86c88f34149f34415c2bc527d85.gif[/img] [b]2 - Spike Ball[/b] [i]"Spawn a spike ball that you can project on monsters to inflict damages. It's level is equal to 35% of Max HP."[/i] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/12134860/99759c1a19896dd8834a2dd175889052b20f5a12.gif[/img] [b]3 - Hammer Throw[/b] [i]"Throw an iron hammer that comes back like a boomerang. It's level is equal to 25% of Max HP."[/i] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/12134860/0267758f6c17aaa2e1840106ba0d2c015b0054f9.gif[/img] [b]And here the skills linked to the hammer itself ![/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/12134860/0c32d9aed113cdc375cdeba6e4f1781dc6b585ee.gif[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/12134860/94cb1d47f9a10dced7d29bbd701090a00bf4dccd.gif[/img] [code] Changelog Adds: - New weapon type: the hammer (blunt damages), with 3 upgradable skills: - Hit Down - Project Up - Spin - Entities projected by the hammer will inflict contact damage to monsters. - New class (iron) with 4 skills: - Hammer Throw - Spike Ball - Projection Buff - Eviction - 8 tiers of craftable hammers from wood to gold - new command for building mode: /tooltip item_index It exports an image of the specified item's tooltip Internal: - Refactoring of the rendering engine to lighten the game code - Added a wiki generator to create wiki pages automatically for monsters, crafts... - Added unit tests for inventory and item classes Notes: - The hammer can project monsters with a normal blow, depending on the weapon's tier. - When jumping, the normal hit can project the falling monsters and they will inflict damage when they come in contact with other monsters. It is possible to control the direction of this projection using the movement keys. - Contact damages are proportional to the Max HP stat of the projected monster [/code] That's all for today, thank you for your support and do not hesitate to talk with us on our discord!