New patch! Aura system! Totems!

Planet Centauri

Embark on your greatest adventure to Planet Centauri! Explore hidden dungeons, capture and tame monsters, build and protect a NPC community, craft your own weapons and create your own magic spells! Develop and raise the Planet Centauri to the heavens as the cradle of a new civilization!

Sorry for the lack of preview gif, video are too big to be transformed into gif so we can't upload them here. Check the links! [b]black hole : Gravity : Spell attack :[/b] [u][b]Adds:[/b][/u] - Aura system: a circual AoE that can be assigned to any entity, can be modded with config files - 14 totems (added in lua): - Burning totem lv1 and lv2 with a small burning aura - Poison totem lv1 with a small poison aura - High gravity totem, with an aura that increase gravity for the player - Pulsed totem, high recoil and blast damage - Healing totem that heals monsters in the AoE - Slow totem with an aura that inflict Slow - Haste totem with an aura that inflict Haste - Stop regen totem with an aura that disable healing - Umbra totem that creates a zone of darkness (3 levels) - Fire totem that uses fire magic - Ice totem that uses ice magic - Electric totem that uses lightning magic - Shadow totem that uses shadow magic - Light totem that uses light magic (3 levels) Note: totems will spawn rarely on the world and can't be catched [u][b]Changes:[/b][/u] - When crafting, the cursor item is automatically sent to the bag if you craft a different object - Incubator ergonomy: place the gem directly in the inventory if you click on the empty slot [u][b] Fix:[/b][/u] - Monsters are not visible in the incubator - Fixed lasers visual on death [u][b] Engine:[/b][/u] - Implementation of a quadtree to optimize collisions and damages on entities - Lua API for auras - lua package system to import external lua scripts from the moddable folder