New patch in publicbeta (v186) with some bug fixes

Survivalist: Invisible Strain

It's ten years since the infection started. Long-established settlements are collapsing, one by one, for unknown reasons. Survivors are running to the hills to escape, hoping for safety in remote places. As another refugee, you're here to carve out a new life for yourself - by any means necessary.

Just a small patch with a bunch of bug fixes :)[list] [*] Fix for crafters not being able to use sugar if you set the policy to Don't Eat (instead of Don't Craft With) and related errors [*] Fix for incorrect amount of liquids shown on craft amount dialog box when metric is enabled [*] Fix for warning message sometimes wrongly being shown when you try to craft something, saying you can't because of the policy against certain ingredients [*] Fix for a saltpeter crafter getting stuck in a loop depositing empty plastic bottles and getting them again, in order to fill with urine [*] Fix for people eating stuff out of allies houses if they are in them (which is treated as theft by the allies) [*] Fix for your community members often lugging one or two pumpkins around [*] Fix for some town buildings, and wooden chests(!) being invulnerable [*] Stop communities from burying their leader while you have a quest to take their body to someone [*] Some editor work for story mode [*] Disabled snoring sound [*] Crash fixes [/list] [h3]What's this [b]publicbeta[/b] thing?[/h3] v186 will be in the "[b]publicbeta[/b]" branch for a while, before pushing it to the main game. If you want to try the latest features as they come out (and help test them!) it's a good idea to start using this branch. But keep in mind:[list][*] Because it's the bleeding edge it could be less stable [*] If you want to be able to play online co-op with someone you'll need to be on the same version as them [*] If you go back from the "[b]publicbeta[/b]" branch to the main branch you may not be able to load savegames created on "[b]publicbeta[/b]".[/list] To use [b]publicbeta[/b], just right-click on Survivalist: Invisible Strain in your Steam library and go to Properties, then Betas and in the drop-down select "publicbeta".