New: Adjacency System!

Cardboard Town

Cardboard Town is a city-building card game. Manage your resources, obtain upgrades, draw your cards and thrive! Random events, quest cards, and game modes make each run different.

Upon many requests, we're introducing the adjacency system to Cardboard Town. Basically, people want to live near parks and don't want to leave near factories. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43157712/cc20024342ad7ee8d72d54d2af9a132c7773fa78.png[/img] Certain buildings will have 1 Tile aura that affects population buildings built on those tiles. There's Green, Red and Teal auras: [list] [*] [b]Green Aura: [/b]Buildings that produce Environment give +%25 Population bonus. [*] [b]Red Aura: [/b]Buildings that reduce Environment causes a -%25 Population penalty. [*] [b]Teal Aura:[/b] Building a population building near a building that produces Safety causes the Trouble-Meter to reduce by 1. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43157712/b1719ab3e39e5dbde9022f7db35aa526c5d4e2e5.png[/img] Auras stack and interact with each other. For example: [list] [*] 2 Parks built near provides double bonus on their crossing square [*] Red and Green auras [i](Negative and Positive Environement) [/i]cancel each other out [*] Teal Aura can stack with both auras, not effecting the other [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43157712/68d1bfa588e2026a00d042b165cde208a2ebf49e.png[/img] These auras are only visible when you are in building mode; so don't worry about your cities aesthetics! We realise this will make the game harder to play but we believe it adds good amount of tactical depth for you to master Cardboard Town! Also, while %25 Population bonus is a good amount (which might change during testing btw) you can still play the game succeed without paying much attention to it. So it won't bug our casual players too much, we hope. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43157712/7557673fb0148e02c1beda2c12073b790c843d43.png[/img] [i]A City built with the new system, notice that trees are inside the city to maximize population bonus.[/i] We are currently running the tests with our beta testers and not sure if we'll implement this feature to the demo version yet. We are planning to explain the mechanic further and let you know about our toughts behing it, so make sure you follow our []Twitter [/url]and [url=]YouTube Channel[/url]if you are interested! What do you think about the adjacency system, would you like to see the system included in Cardboard Town's full version? Please share your toughts so we can make this system as enjoyable as we can for you.