Konkwest 1.0 brings Mod Support and Atmosphere


The arcade grand strategy game. In Konkwest you and your friends can play through a world conquest campaign in an evening. Many historical starting scenarios bring you into the game world and let you lead your empire to glory. The single-resource economy makes the game accessible to all.

Dear gamer, With this Update Konkwest is ready for release! The game now offers basic mod support and lots of content for tens if not hundreds of hours of gameplay. This does not mean that I don't have more ideas for further additions to the game of course, and I would love to continue making improvements to the game. If you want to see more features to come, just make sure that enough people buy the game so I can keep working on it ;) It has been over two years now that I have started developing this game and I am quite happy seeing how far it has come, from a little side-project next to studying, to my full-time work for the past nine months. I hope you'll enjoy Konkwest as much as, or even more than I do - and feel free to reach out to me about feedback or suggestions. Have fun taking over the world! Best regards, Vincent [h1]Changes since the last update:[/h1] [h2]Mod Support[/h2] You can now create mods for custom scenarios and flags. There is an example mod included in the game files under .../Konkwest/Konkwest_Data/StreamingAssets/Mods if you want to take a look into it and maybe want to make a mod yourself. You can play with the example mod through the new "Mod Example" scenario. [h2]Help Articles / Wiki[/h2] The ingame help articles system has been removed, and replaced with an online wiki: https://konkwest.wiki.gg/ - The wiki is also linked to through the game UI, so you don't need to bookmark it. [h2]Graphics[/h2] [list] [*] An atmosphere was added to the game world. [*] Some post-processing effects were added to the game, such as bloom. [/list] [h2]Scenarios[/h2] [list] [*] The Balanced scenario now covers the entire world with countries. [*] More countries were added to the Alternative Countries scenario. [*] Made improvements to the 1700, 1900 and 2000 scenarios, where occupations and friendships were added. [*] Scenarios can now apply their traditional-language-boost to all regions optionally (implemented for the Balanced scenario). [/list] [h2]User Interface[/h2] Many of the screens where you can scroll down to see more have been improved, so that their title and close button stay on top of the screen instead of scrolling off with the content. This affects the player list, history screen, news screen, settings screen, and leaderboard. [h2]Localization[/h2] [list] [*] More country names have localized variants now. [*] Updated most of the localization sheets in the game, so several translations should be far more complete than they used to be. The Dutch, German, and Arabic translations should be nearly 100% complete. [/list] [h2]Tutorial[/h2] The third and final chapter of the tutorial, the "Advanced" chapter, has been added. [h2]Streamer Mode[/h2] The game now has a streamer mode, which hides the room code in multiplayer. [h2]Minor changes and bugfixes[/h2] [list] [*] Updated the flag of Poland-Lithuania. [*] The 2000 scenario features Yugoslavia now, which was missing before. [*] Regional specializations no longer disappear when uniting regions. [*] The percentages on the linguistic policy screen are no longer wrong. [*] Increased the effects of linguistic policies on language development. [*] Colonizing places now affects their linguistic composition again. [*] The "Lower (n) fortifications" buttons in the country and region panels no longer try to lower fortifications that you are already planning to lower. [*] You no longer get a double-popup when starting a new game while playing a contry, saying that you aren't playing that country anymore. [*] Fixed the textures of a few buttons in the place and region panels. [*] The change-player-name-popup no longer glitches out when you repeatedly enter invalid names. [*] Added a hint about what the breakthrough action does under the breakthrough button. [*] Land exchange following a white peace now functions as intended. [*] Countries are no longer tinted in the diplomatic map mode. [*] Added Burma to ASEAN (it was missing). [*] The load game menu now lists which scenario is being played in each savegame. [*] If you select the same graphics quality that you are on in the settings, the graphics no longer reload for that. [/list]