Important Bugfixes, Regions, and Localization Improvements


The arcade grand strategy game. In Konkwest you and your friends can play through a world conquest campaign in an evening. Many historical starting scenarios bring you into the game world and let you lead your empire to glory. The single-resource economy makes the game accessible to all.

This update brings important bugfixes to Konkwest, and adds to the game's localization. [b]Regions[/b] [list] [*] Regional specializations have been refactored. (Earlier versions of this update caused this to make it impossible to load savegames with regional specializations. This is fixed now, and old savegames, even ones corrupted from that bug, should load just fine.) [*] The agriculture specialization, instead of a flat +7 bonus for fields, now provides a +25% bonus for fields, grassland, and hills. [/list] [b]Localization[/b] [list] [*] Made almost 40 popup texts localizable with German and Dutch versions already available. [*] All content of the region view and the country view is localizable (except names). [*] Added right-to-left script support for country labels on the globe. [*] The place power info popup is fully localizable. [*] All popups caused by the place view are localizable. [*] The linguistic policy screen and all its content (except names) is localizable. [/list] [b]Multiplayer[/b] [list] [*] Fixed a bug where, when a client started playing a country, that didn't exist on another client's local machine, because the game is in the process of loading something, would lead to a soft-lock of the game. [*] Fixed a bug where, when any player renamed a place to an invalid value, all players in the game would see the error message, instead of just the player who tried the renaming. [*] Fixed a bug where the game would soft-lock if a player leaves and their ID is not locally registered (for example when they join and their connection is so bad that they instantly disconnect). [/list] [b]Touchscreens[/b] When pinching to zoom you no longer accidentally cause orbital camera movement. [b]User Interface[/b] [list] [*] Your plans' power cost is now shown in the "Your plans" panel. [*] The place power info popup now includes information about the impact of local stability and fortifications on the power output. [*] Buttons don't flash in spectate mode anymore. [*] Added an icon to the settings button and the select language button to indicate where to find the language settings in case you can't read the language the game is currently in. [*] Fixed a bug where you could not see your diplomatic requests, because the button wouldn't show up. [*] Fixed a bug where automatically generated plan data could cause a display error in the place view, leading to many missing buttons. [/list] [b]Android[/b] Updated app icon for compatibility with newer Android versions.