Flag Picker & more in Konkwest 1.002


The arcade grand strategy game. In Konkwest you and your friends can play through a world conquest campaign in an evening. Many historical starting scenarios bring you into the game world and let you lead your empire to glory. The single-resource economy makes the game accessible to all.

With the second post-launch update Konkwest now lets you choose a flag for your country and invite your Steam friends to play! To change your flag just click the flag in your own country's country-selection-menu, next to the rename country button. You can pick any of the built-in ones, as well as ones added through mods. [i](Modded flags will only be visible in multiplayer if the other players also have the mod installed.)[/i] Using the new system I built for this feature, I also updated a few things in [b]scenarios[/b]. [list] [*] Spain in 1700 now has the flag of Burgundy. [*] China in 0 now has a Han-dynasty symbol as its flag. [*] Germany in 1900 is called Germany again, but retains the German Empire flag. [*] In 1300 and 1700 France now has the flag of the Kingdom of France, instead of the modern Republican flag. [*] For more historical accuracy, Afghanistan, Portugal, and Iran now have a different flag in almost every scenario. [*] Cambodia in 1300 now uses the Khmer Empire flag created by Khnom. [*] Added a flag for the Champa, Lavo, Pegu, and Sukhthai Kingdoms. [/list] [b]Multiplayer[/b] [list] [*] You can now invite friends via a new button in the main menu and the Steam overlay, and you can join your friends through Steam. [/list] [b]Gameplay[/b] [list] [*] You can now change your country's traditional language. [*] There is now a "Conquer x amount of places" button in the region and the country panel, which can be used to plan several conquests at once against the selected region or country. [*] "Cancel plans here" buttons have been added to the region and country panels. [/list] [b]Other changes[/b] [list] [*] Improved the visibility of flags on the ground. [*] Explosions on the ground now leave traces for a bit. [*] Something about inappropriate words that I don't want to list, so I don't encourage you trying it. [*] Removed the white circle from plan markers and added a plan marker for changing regions. [*] Fixed a bug where the chat screen counterintuitively opened behind the player list. [/list] In case you have any issues with the update please report them. You can use the "safe" beta branch to play in the previous version. Have fun conquering the world!