World update


The arcade grand strategy game. In Konkwest you and your friends can play through a world conquest campaign in an evening. Many historical starting scenarios bring you into the game world and let you lead your empire to glory. The single-resource economy makes the game accessible to all.

With this development update, Konkwest is now almost ready for release. A release, which unfortunately won't be coming as soon as I hoped it would. I had a multiplayer playtest session yesterday and there are still a number of relevant bugs to be fixed. I have therefore moved the expected release time for the game to May 2024. When Konkwest comes out I want every player to have a great time building their empire! [b]World[/b] [list] [*] Corrected elevation data for Asia, Africa, Australia, and Oceania so these continents now appear with more correct elevation in the game. [*] The more a place's industry is developed, the more of a city appears there visually. [*] Arabia: Added one additional place each to Yemen and Oman. [*] China: Split Hebei into Northern, Southern, and Western Hebei, so it won't be as easy to defeat China by surrounding Beijing. [*] Pakistan: Split Pakistan's former two places into four new ones: Eastern Balochistan, Sindh, Western Punjab, and Northern Pakistan. [*] Uzbekistan: Created Karakalpakstan as a new place in western Uzbekistan. [*] Sudan: Created the place Northern Sudan by splitting it off from Port Sudan. [*] Tibet: Split Tibet into the places Tibetan Plateau, Himalayas (East, Center, and West), and Kunlun. [*] Xinjiang: Created, in addition to the places Dzungaria and Tarim Basin, a new place for the Tian Shan. [/list] [b]Map modes[/b] [list] [*] New: Power per Country: This map mode colors the countries based on how powerful they are. [*] New: Players: Only countries played by players in multiplayer are highlighted. [*] Updated colors for neutral countries and places without country in the diplomatic map mode. [/list] [b]Music[/b] [list] [*] Added a new piece to the soundtrack: "A Palace for Spies" by Leon Richter. [/list] [b]NPC AI[/b] [list] [*] There are now difficulty options for the AI: easy, hard, and mixed. With the mixed settings some countries will use the easy AI settings, and some will use the hard ones. [*] NPCs use the mechanics to change the region of places and to unite regions to expand their main region. [*] NPCs unite their regions sometimes. [*] NPCs send and answer truce requests more reasonably. [*] NPCs typically target smaller countries when deciding who to attack. [*] NPCs use regional specializations. [/list] [b]Game Mechanics[/b] [list] [*] There is now a button to develop industry in a specific region. [*] Improved automatic naming for new regions. [*] There is now a victory screen when only one country remains in the world, with a celebratory popup and fireworks. [*] Added a filter for inappropriate words when naming things. [*] Regional specializations now default to appropriate ones. [/list] [b]Netcode[/b] [list] [*] You can now choose "Automatic" as your server region (which is also the new default option). [*] Improved player list synchronization. [*] Improved player ready status synchronization. [*] Improved player country synchronization. [*] If plan submission in multiplayer fails for over 10 seconds the plans of players who didn't submit (due to a network issue) will be ignored. [*] De jure country IDs are now synchronized when new countries spawn. [/list] [b]Keyboard shortcuts[/b] [list] [*] You can use [i]Esc[/i] to open or close the main menu. [*] You can use [i]Enter[/i] to accept popups. [*] You can use [i]Backspace[/i] to decline popups. [*] You can use the keys shown in tooltips to access specific functions in the game, when the respective buttons are visible, such as [i]space[/i] to ready up and [i]c[/i] to conquer. [/list] [b]Localization[/b] [list] [*] Place names on the globe now support Arabic characters. [*] Added more translation content. [/list] [b]Android[/b] [list] [*] Reduced the size of the adaptive app icon foreground element to better fit typical display formats. [/list] [b]Bugfixes[/b] [list] [*] You can not attack a country immediately after making peace anymore. [*] The People's Republic of China, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Democratic People's Republic of Korea now have correct abbreviations. [*] The develop industry in country button can no longer target level 10 places. [*] Two NPCs can no longer remain on the world peacefully forever. [*] Players joining a multiplayer game will now correctly stop playing their singleplayer country. [*] When there are n players in the game and n-1 players are ready, the game no longer advances unintentionally. [*] After peace agreements with land exchange the affected countries now perform an integrity check and label adjustments. [*] When making a white peace the larger country now always returns land to the smaller country before the reverse. [*] Fixed an error occurring when an attacker, winning a war through a peace deal, receives no places. [*] You can immediately start playing a newly created custom country again. [*] If the game detects a desync you will no longer stay in spectate mode. [/list] [b]Known Issues[/b] [list] [*] The turn timer is broken. It first causes some strange glitch and then two turns happen at once if it expires. [*] Creating custom countries causes the game to soft lock. [/list]