Konkwest: Diplomania Update (v 1.003)


The arcade grand strategy game. In Konkwest you and your friends can play through a world conquest campaign in an evening. Many historical starting scenarios bring you into the game world and let you lead your empire to glory. The single-resource economy makes the game accessible to all.

This update for Konkwest overhauls the game's entire diplomacy system! (v1.003) Instead of the ternary neutral / friends / enemies system, countries now have more granular relations to one another, on a scale from 0 to 100. Special treaties, unions and organizations are now represented in the game as Institutions. [h2]Diplomatic Requests[/h2] Accepting and denying diplomatic requests now influences your relation to the countries that sent them, and sending them can cost power. Countries' relations are also influenced by their expansions, conflicts and agreements. Additionally, countries with the same traditional language group tend to like each other more. Diplomatic requests that don't make a difference will no longer be received, so you practically won't get spam-mail from the other countries anymore. [h2]Institutions[/h2] You can create an institution and choose aspects for it. The available institution aspects are: [list] [*] Association: Improve your relation to the other members over time. [*] Internal peace: Members can't fight each other. [*] Military access: Members can attack non-members through each other's territory. [*] Alliance: Members automatically defend other members if they get attacked. [*] Political Union: Allows the institution to unite into a new country. [/list] [h2]Main Menu[/h2] The main menu background has been exchanged for a dynamic scene showing the game world and a flag. When you play as a country it will show your country and its flag. [h2]Map Modes[/h2] [list] [*] Added an institutions map mode, where countries that are part of the same institutions have the same color. Countries that are part of multiple institutions get the average color of their institutions' colors. [*] The diplomatic map mode shows countries that share important institutions with the selected country using stripes. [*] Uncolonized land is now terrain-colored instead of black or beige in the diplomatic and political map modes. [/list] [h2]Regions[/h2] Regions can now stretch across up to one water place, which makes it no longer required to have a unique region for each island. [h2]Scenarios[/h2] [list] [*] Adjusted many of the scenarios to make use of the new features. [*] In the 1700 scenario the Holy Roman Empire has been turned into an institutions and the different member states are now their own countries. [*] Improved historical accuracy in the 1900 scenario, especially in North Africa, where the Sultanate of Agadez was added. [*] Improved historical accuracy in the 1300 scenario, where the principalities of Smolensk and Vladimir were added. [*] The default scenario is now 1700, because it is easier to get to know the game in an age where diplomatic complexity is lower than contemporarily. [/list] [h2]Netcode[/h2] Updated the Photon Fusion networking package to version 2.0.1. This should fix a lot of the random occurrences of "unexpected network errors" that used to be a nuisance. [h2]Other[/h2] [list] [*] The find-a-place feature has been improved, so that you can now enter partial names of places, regions or countries, and get a list of relevant search results to select from. [*] The atmosphere shader has been replaced with a better one from a plugin developed by Kai Angulo. [*] If the autosave feature is enabled the game now automatically loads your autosave on startup. [*] The flag shader has been improved. [*] Most flags have been replaced with higher resolution, more detailed versions. [*] The grassland terrain color is now more green, making it more visible next to desert. [*] The tutorial makes reference to the new diplomatic mechanics. [/list] [h2]Bugfixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed a few keybinds not working properly. [*] Fixed a lot of bugs that would have been added to the game with this update if they hadn't been fixed. [/list] [h2]Known Issues[/h2] [list] [*] Countries at war can use military access granted to their enemies. This is intended, but there is currently no visual indication of that, so it can be confusing. [*] The 2024 & EU scenario is now redundant but still included in the game. [*] The 2000 scenario does not yet feature any institutions. [*] Some of the new update has so far only been translated automatically. If you find issues with the translations feel free to let me know. [/list]