Infection Free Zone - Minor Update

Infection Free Zone

Choose any real region from the world. Choose your base of operations, then rebuild and readapt the buildings around you to create a self-sustaining settlement. Take charge of a group of survivors from your city. And when the night falls - Defend the zone from the infected!

[h2]Greetings, Survivors![/h2] Preparations for the upcoming release of Infection Free Zone in Early Access are underway! We've just uploaded a new build to Steam and wanted to share with you the latest changelog before the game's launch. [h2]Changelog:[/h2] [list] [*] The project's Unity version has been updated, [*] New translations have been added. Some follow-up translations are to be added, [*] Swarms and hordes spawning system has been rebalanced, [*] Unit pathing has been updated, [*] Several optimization changes for bigger numbers of hordes and workers have been introduced, [*] Number of new SFX have been added, [*] "Highlight playable tiles" option has been added to the Tile Selector, [*] New military events have been added, while previous military events have been updated, [*] New side events have been added, [*] Several new tooltips have been added, [*] The wall spawning system at the beginning of the game has been updated, [*] Healing, food, and drug production have been rebalanced, [*] Towers have been updated to allow for the usage of the shotgun and sniper rifle weapons, [*] Vehicle repair functionality has been added, [*] Tank trucks and other new vehicles are now spawning on the map, [*] Several new environment models have been added, [*] Objects generated in the background during the Loading Screen are now displayed with their current percentage [*] Settings Menu has been updated, [*] An option to limit the number of auto-save slots to two has been added, [*] Road Map window has been added to the Main Manu, [*] Worker logic has been updated. Workers won't go to work now during the Megastorm event when at risk. [*] New recommended maps have been added - Guangzhou and Ruciane, [*] New voiceovers have been added to the number of transmissions that previously used placeholder sounds. [/list] [h2]Feedback needed![/h2] If you have previously supported us on Kickstarter, Backerkit, or Xsolla, [b]your feedback is needed[/b]! We will be thankful for playing through the game and reporting all the encountered issues via the in-game Bug Reporter. The more issues we can fix before the launch, the better the start of the Early Access! Thank you! Best regards, Jutsu Games Team