- In order to increase build variety and replayability, treasure has been introduced!
- Treasure works similarly to items in roguelike games, giving unique or stacking bonuses to the player.
- The price of treasure goes up each round, making acquiring it a large sacrifice in later rounds, but also giving players something extra to spend souls on.
- Treasure is individual to each player in the game.
- The treasure buyable is in spawn, allowing players to begin the game with more interesting choices from the first few rounds.
[u][b]Loads of New Weapons, And a Weapon Chest![/b][/u]
Weapons added:
- Javelin
- Heavy Sword
- Longsword
- Axe
- War Hammer
- Scimtar
- Rapier
- Spear
- Flamberge
- Great Axe
- Heavy Dagger
- Some of these weapons now have melee weapon wall buys associated with them around the map.
- Any other weapons inaccessible from the wall, and including any other weapons on the wall, will now be purchasable through a random weapon chest in the library.
- Weapons now have durability, and any weapon below a certain durability will become significantly weaker. Weapons can be re-bought to repair, or can be repaired at the blacksmith in the sacrifice room for a hefty fee.
- Enemies killed by any means other than melee will drop a repair durability orb.
[u]Difficulty & Other Changes[/u]
- To offset the addition of new weapons, the weapon chest, and treasure; difficulty has been upped, feel free to provide your experience with the new difficulty changes in the feedback form on the main menu as it will help fine tune future difficulty changes.
- Players can now push zombies slightly.
- Reduced windup of zombie attacks.
- Adjusted damage FX.
- Increased zombie attack speed.
- Increased zombie attack hitbox.
- Increased chance for fast zombies.
- Added zombie speed increase.
- Reduced player walk speed slightly.
- Added 1 way route from spawn to courtyard.
- Added some text to game over screen.
Big update so apologies if I missed anything out!