A One-Shot, Narrative Fantasy Adventure where players explore a colorful Spirit Realm through Juna’s eyes, solving puzzles with her ability to hear Objects' Hidden Voices. Juna must choose: save her brother at the cost of her life or return, unfulfilled.
[b]It's here, everyone![/b]
After a year and a half of intense work, [i]Half Away[/i] is finally live on Steam! 🎉
It's been an incredible journey, and we're excited to share this project born from passion and creativity. Half Away is a unique adventure, now available for anyone who wants to explore it.
We invite you to play, test it out, and if you like it, leave a review on Steam: reviews are essential for helping the game get noticed! 🙌 Also, share it with anyone who might enjoy it—friends, family, or your favorite communities.
Every piece of feedback, review, and share makes a difference. Thank you for your support and for being part of this special moment for us.
✨ Half Away awaits you here.
Better Half Team,