Version 0.2.213


Don't you love it when numbers grow faster and faster? GrindFest is the pinnacle of idle programming action fanasy RPG genre. Learn how to use C# to make your own bots, make them kill, loot and cooperate with each other. Play as any role or automate everything so you don’t have to play at all.

[h2]New Features[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45066698/f0bc156a96558353bea2453ef8f065d5ebbb3db9.gif[/img] [*] Stop drowning! Don't get stuck in water though... [*] Added [url=]InvokeOnReload[/url] attribute to mark methods that should be called before script recompilation [*] Added frame rate limiting settings [*] Steam branch displayed in settings under version, beta branch contains most recent development [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [*] Exit button in menu doesn't instantly quit the game if you are not in the character selection [*] Magic find and gold bonus on status screen work, plus added experience bonus [*] Prestige items giving incorrect bonus values (was 1/10th of intended) [*] Script compilation error messages now properly showing in console when you try to run bot [*] Script compiler now properly detects if you want to use single file with top level statements or multiple files with classes