Hotfix #3 - 24/05/2024


An ecosystem City Builder in a unique world. Build your settlement, manage your workers and optimize your resources. Analyzing your environment, spreading new plants, and harvesting them are key to prosperity.

Hello everyone! We're pushing a third hotfix, this one specifically for a single bug - but an annoying one. We're also aware of an issue where, sometimes, UI buttons (like destroying a building, or accelerating time) do not work as intended on click. However, you should still be able to use them with the keyboard shortcuts We're actively working on this and will push a fix as soon as possible! We're also working on crashes that still happens to some of you. Thanks a lot once again for all your feedback! [h2]Hotfix #3 - 24/05/2024[/h2] [list] [*]Fixed a bug where, when reloading a save, citizens assignation in buildings was not conform to when the save occured [/list]