Hand2Hand Pre-alpha


The Hand2Hand project is a fighting game... OF HANDS ! Use everyday object in everyday places out of boredom in epic battles between... yourself.

[i]Greetings bored mortals. I am happy to share with you today an improved version in the back end. The menu can now manage controllers for a smoother transition from keyboard only. However, combat might feel different than previously, notably because of the several changes in physics and feedback signs. I can say Hand2Hand finished its copper age and entered a bronze age. The base is still crude but all of the polishing is starting to pay off ![/i] [h1]UI and UX[/h1] ☼ Screenshots can be taken in battle with Shift+F, they cannot be taken elsewhere that way yet. ☼ Deleted old loading remnants, especially from unloading screens. ☼ Game version in battle gets a darker color if on top of a bright HUD. ☼ Inputs are no longer detected if the window is not active. ☼ Game ready to start text glows like in other menus. ☼ Controls last only one frame instead of several. ☼ Return and Escape are no longer available player keys in control settings. ☼ Player 2 can no longer navigate in menu, except for its own class selection. [h2]Controller[/h2] ☼ They can be used to navigate in menus. ► Attack to select ► Heavy to cancel ► Jump to escape [h2]HUD[/h2] ☼ Quickly fades to the hurt color instead of snapping into when taking damage. ☼ If the player color is too bright, the HUD glows into red instead of white ☼ If the player color is green, the HP bars are by default of its player color (orange for right, blue for left). [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/884688687126937600/1171485650860646410/update3.png[/img] ☼ If the player color is yellow, the back transition HP bar is orange. ☼ Player class icon covers a bit better its area ☼ Player class icon has a dark gray background in battle (galleries unchanged) ☼ Player class icon also shakes when damaged, but is still anchored to the HUD and with a lower power. ☼ The HUD piling up no longer depends on who’s attacking, it is based on the player number instead. [h2]Player color[/h2] ☼ Right player (orange) has a yellow alternate color if the opponent is either red or orange ☼ Left player (blue) has a white alternate color if the opponent is either blue or lightblue ☼ Player 2 will switch to an alternate color if the player 1 has a close one instead of an exact one. This would make sure both player have different colors as much as possible. ☼ Player shadows are slightly tinted by its color [h2]Wind effects[/h2] ☼ On too bright backgrounds wind effects have a more intense color [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/884688687126937600/1171485651175211058/update1.png[/img] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/884688687126937600/1171485651510775900/update2.png[/img] ☼ Affected terrains are College and Boardgame club. [h2]Debug commands[/h2] The previous system needed to press shift and release another key. Now it is when the key is just pressed. [h2]Class gallery[/h2] ☼ Selected class switches randomly within its idle animations, like in battle. ☼ Class icons in lists and grids are bigger when selected. ☼ Unreleased classes icon has a transparent and orange background. [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/884688687126937600/1171487363873128518/update4.png[/img] ☼ Player selection in 1vBot can be canceled by the heavy attack command, and left with jump. [h1]Combat[/h1] [h2]Recovery[/h2] Instead of being grayed out, the player flickers between 3 colors : dark gray, gray and grayed player color. This makes already gray players able to see if they are recovering or not. [h2]Pushes[/h2] When a player is stunned, received pushes are a bit stronger in the horizontal axis. [h1]Chopstick[/h1] [h2]Side - Side - Side[/h2] ☼ The second and third sides are now reworked. ☼ The second side has more movement amplitude. ☼ Third side : ► Duration reduced from 25 to 24 frames ► No longer has combo shortcut ► Slightly moves downwards at the end so the combo finishes on the ground and doesn’t waste few frames of landing while the had could not attack before. [h1]Ballpen[/h1] ☼ New swish sounds for large swings ☼ Black stance (default) has an even more intense color. [h2]Side - Back - Up - Side[/h2] ☼ Second side added ☼ Back and up both recovery increased from 10 to 20 [h2]Side - Back - Up - [Neutral][/h2] ☼ Fixed wind effect positions at animation frame 3 [h2]Down [Neutral][/h2] ☼ Reduced push [h2]Heavy[/h2] ☼ Damage reduced from 15 to 12 ☼ Recovery reduced from 100 to 50 frames [i]This attack had too much risk for a poor DPS, since the ballpen doesn’t have a combo yet here. Now the attack can be repeated more frequently with a slightly lower gain to compensate.[/i] [h1]Unarmed[/h1] [h2]Heavy - Neutral - Side[/h2] ☼ The Heavy pushes less towards the air, light enemies might no longer absurdly fly above the battle area ☼ The side pushes more towards the front [h1]Gluestick[/h1] ☼ Move front reworked. ☼ Hit reworked. [h2]Side[/h2] ☼ Reworked. ☼ Movement increased from -70 (-90 max) to -150 (fix) ☼ Damage at frame 6 reduced from 7 to 6 ☼ Duration reduced from 53 to 43 [h2]Side [Side][/h2] Ground hitting sound now coherent with newer gluestick hit sounds. Neutral [Neutral] Ground hitting sound now coherent with newer gluestick hit sounds. [h1]Hexkey[/h1] ☼ Steel stance (default) has a black alternate color. ☼ Aluminum stance has a yellow alternate color. ☼ Added a second idle animation [h2]Back[/h2] ☼ Duration reduced from 83 to 68 frames ☼ Recovery reduced from 50 to 30 frames This increases its reactivity and reduces its overall risk. The DPS is increased as the animation can be spammed more frequently. [h2]Down - Up[/h2] [h3]Down[/h3] ☼ Stuns during frame 4 and 5 for 20 and 10 frames. ☼ The hitbox of the ground shockwave has been raised by 40 pixels to allow better hitting, but the pushing power is lower to compensate. [h3]Up[/h3] ☼ Stuns during all of its active frames for 20 and 10 frames. ☼ Pushes upwards in diagonal [h2]Heavy - Heavy[/h2] Added. The hexkey has now all minimal animations ! [h1]Behind the scenes[/h1] ☼ Frames and animations are now indexed as well for optimisation improvements. [h1]Bug fixes[/h1] ☼ [Demo ?] [strike]Heal command (shift+2) heals both player at base max HP but not their class & stance max HP[/strike] Fixed. ☼ [0.1.?] [strike]Debug command only activates only after doing it then releasing shift again[/strike] Fixed. ☼ [0.1.?] [strike]Cannot Alt+F4 if not in debug mode enabled in battle[/strike] Fixed. ☼ [] [strike]Player color intensity is not applied to its HUD color[/strike] Fixed ☼ [] [strike]Player color intensity picked the default stance’s no matter the selected stance[/strike] Fixed. ☼ [] [strike]Leaving the 1v1 selection screen with escape starts the return sound each frame while pressed[/strike] Fixed. ☼ [] [strike]When two players grab each other, they become both stuck until the game is aborted[/strike] Partially fixed : when both grabbed they continue their animations, and thus their eventual forced movements. Expect some funky behaviors ! ☼ [] [strike]Gluestick Side [Side] Does not play its sound percussion sound[/strike] Fixed. ☼ [] [strike]Gluestick Neutral [Neutral] Does not play its sound percussion sound[/strike] Fixed. ☼ [] [strike]Left player neutral and heavy combo icons in battle were flipped to the wrong location when both player uses them[/strike] Fixed. ☼ [] [strike]When a player switches to another animation, the movement of the very first frame could not go underground[/strike] Fixed. ☼ [] [strike]Slomo does not slow down the displayed timer[/strike] Fixed, it will also go 5x slower as intended. [h1]Known issues[/h1] ☼ [Demo] Credit text are cut in smaller windows ☼ [Demo] Gravity kicks in only when a movement attack ends ☼ [0.1] Controllers are only detected at game start ☼ [] It is difficult to go back to the game window after switching to another ☼ [] Cannot move the window in windowed mode, or at least it is very difficult ☼ [] Picking 50FPS or bellow could break a bit the physics ☼ [] When the game lags the physics breaks a bit ☼ [] Cannot select exclusive stance from random/mirror class in bot selection ☼ [] x86 version unavailable until further notice