Hand2Hand Pre-alpha patch


The Hand2Hand project is a fighting game... OF HANDS ! Use everyday object in everyday places out of boredom in epic battles between... yourself.

Greetings bored mortals, after breaking some features I'm back with new small improvements. [h1]QoL[/h1] [h2]Screen[/h2] ☼ Fullscreen mode setting (enabled by default) ► In windowed mode expect some tearing and cropped borders ☼ The window is centered by default in the screen [h2]New resolutions[/h2] Suggested by another tester, if you have some, you can suggest them too ! ☼ 1200x768 ☼ 1280x768 ☼ 1280x960 ☼ 1360x768 [h1]Balance[/h1] [h2]General[/h2] ☼ Received damage is divided by 1 + stamina/20 instead of 1 + stamina/10 ► [b]Chopstick[/b] no stamina, no changes ! ► [b]Ballpen[/b] divided by 1.05 instead of 1.1 ► [b]Unarmed[/b] divided by 1.1 instead of 1.2 ► [b]Gluestick[/b] divided by 1.2 instead of 1.4 [i]Stamina made tanks too OP compared to other frail classes, which could synergies too well with high HP[/i] ☼ HP regen stops at the first bar, in other words it cannot regen past 200 HP ☼ HP regen stops at 20 + 10 x stamina total HP regenerated for this round ► For example, the Gluestick can regenerate 60 total HP within a round [i]Both of these changes would better temperate passive gameplay for tanky classes without making the frail ones too frail in mid-term.[/i] [h2]Chopstick[/h2] [i]The objective here is to increase is mobility and reward compared to other heavier classes.[/i] [b]Neutral - Neutral - Neutral - Neutral[/b] ☼ 2nd, 3rd and 4th deals more damage and moves further back on hit [b]Back[/b] ☼ Moves further back on hit, compensated by faster animation time [h2]Unarmed[/h2] [i]It was too strong even against gluestick because of high DPS, mobility and reward. The plan was to improve its mobility but reducing the overall reward ; so the unarmed better fills the role of a close quarter nervous fighter.[/i] [b]General[/b] ☼ All heavy attacks deal less damage [b]Up[/b] ☼ The attack sound starts sooner [b]Neutral - Neutral - Neutral - Side[/b] ☼ The first attack has his two first hits damage reduced, but the third increased ☼ The other steps have their damage reduced ☼ Every step moves much more forward ☼ The second step moves a bit down ☼ The third step moves a bit up ☼ The last Side shakes the screen when hitting the ground, plus having a ground hit sound [i]This bread & butter combo would have lower reward for a bit more risk. When spammed it could deal too much damage against a recovering enemy. The move is now much more jucier ![/i] [h2]Gluestick[/h2] [i]High recovery and slow speed made the gluestick having too much reward, even by taking in account the nerfed stamina.[/i] [b]Heavy - Heavy - Heavy[/b] ☼ Reduced damage ☼ Faster swing compensated by slower startup and ending for each step ☼ The gunshot animation is much faster and knocks the gluestick further back. [i]This attack had too much reward against a static enemy because of the long active frames.[/i] [b]Down[/b] ☼ The takeoff goes higher [i]This will make the gluestick punished a bit more easily by anti-air attacks, but on the other hand (ahah hand) this attack is a bit easier to hit slightly elevated enemies.[/i] [h1]Bug fixes[/h1] ► [Pre-alpha] [strike]The menu click sound would sometimes fail to play[/strike] Fixed ► [Pre-alpha] [strike]Animation combo replaced neutral combo by down follow, while down follow would never activates[/strike] Fixed ► [Demo] [strike]Changing screen resolution would not load the progression bar for sounds in the option menu[/strike] Fixed [h1]Behind the scenes[/h1] A bit more stability concerning the sounds, so even with absent data it have less chances to corrupt the game. [h1]Known issues[/h1] ► Sometimes reloading the game would detect the wrong screen size ► Steam remote play would shred guest screen. > Uncheck "Enable hardware decoding" in steam settings for both host and client [h1]Suspected issues[/h1] ► In rare cases, returning to the game menu could crash the game when unloading some classes