Game Update V40

Terra Exodus

Defend the evacuation of Terra on the losing side of an alien invasion. This experimental action strategy game breaks out of genre norms to provide fresh mechanics to strategic gaming.

Attention all Heirs! Today is the first post Early Access release, mostly consisting of various bug fixes. In particular, there was a problem reported by the community with regards the screenshake controls, preventing it to work entirely. While fixing it, it seemed like a good opportunity to add controller force feedback to various game events and the menu. There is a new force feedback tick box to enable or disable controller rumble in the same menu as the screen shake. [ CONTROLS ] - Add Controller Force Feedback to game events and menus [ GAMEPLAY ] - Tier 1 Mortar Tower shells can no longer collide together mid air - Fix Tier 3 Singularity Tower black hole; it will actually show up and kill Plethora now - Overrun cities ramp up wave sizes faster [ HUD AND MENUS ] - Fix Camera Shake control slider - Add Game Menu item to toggle Controller Force Feedback [ MAPS ] - Reduce Assembly and Command Table reflections in Launch Site tunnels - Situation Table will select current city if mid campaign - Always show Situation Table zone indicators - Fix a case where a City and the Sector Map can be open at the same time [ MISC ] - Shields will break on both sides of the generator during end sequence - Plethora Prime will properly die during end sequence - Sound of Echion dropping in better matches what's happening - Various adjustments to Camera shakes, where, when and how much - Fix sectors only allowing 7 maximum drops (should be 8)