Friday Progress Report 373


A relaxing open world farming simulation, explore the town of Edengrall and befriend the villagers!

We are out of funds and got part time jobs, so our attention will be split between other work and the game, this will go on until the end of the year, and we hope we can make enough to push through until the game becomes profitable and we can go back to fulltime development. So expect the next reports to be thinner, but we hope we will still be able to finish the Fairy Colony by December. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36540476/9166362a5957b64c85f61fd92d9d00797ec7f392.png[/img] On the optimization efforts: We didn't manage to increase the FPS too much, looks like there is another bottleneck we haven't identified yet, but we got a reduction on GPU use when the player is far from the town. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36540476/4f6455289ace64005872b461d51f615a81dce8ec.png[/img] This change will be on the update going up today. -Edit- Correction: we made a mistake when measuring the impact of the changes, and it was much less than we thought, it is not a 40% performance gain unfortunately, sorry. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36540476/fa5080d1a65242af2a1c8aaebd0849b147a61835.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36540476/2e6ed0ceb32e692078d2f34e4a6b8f27014d49d2.gif[/img] Other than optimizations we added 2 new critters. We have more ideas for optimizations to go through next week.