
A relaxing open world farming simulation, explore the town of Edengrall and befriend the villagers!

You play as Adam or a custom character
Adam is a retired adventurer, despite being an outsider and having no claims in the island, he is invited to live in Edengrall.


* Farming System [IMPLEMENTED] Build your garden anywhere, Crops grow in real time and can have more than one harvestable stage.

* Cooking System [IMPLEMENTED] Cook any combination of ingredients and save custom recipes.

* Building your home [IMPLEMENTED] Build your own house, or a castle if you want.

* Modding Support [IMPLEMENTED] The game comes with a mod loader and a built-in tool for simple mod creation,

* Critter Catching [IMPLEMENTED] Catch and collect small critters, you can use them to decorate your home,

* Edengrall Citizens [18/40 MODELED] We are working hard to create a never seen before AI for the NPC characters, stay tunned!

* Fairy Helpers [PARTIALLY IMPLEMENTED][[/b] Raise cute Faeries and have them help with your farm, you can feed them sweets and give them headpats!

* Livestock and Pets are going to be quite basic at first, but we want to expand this feature on later expansions, adding breeding (genes and inherited traits), butchering (meat!!!) and training.

* Fishing, Foraging and Insect Catching [IMPLEMENTED] will be all be viable alternatives to farming, but nothing will stop you from doing all of those activities as long as you have time and stamina for all of them. While foraging and insect hunting will be quite simple, we have plans for a deeper fishing system.

* Exploring the Island [1% IMPLEMENTED] will be quite time consuming. We are planning a very large world and camping in the wild will be required if you venture too far. Make sure you take enough supplies, as there are survival mechanics in this game and you can die from hunger!

* Daily activities limited more by stamina than time, instead of following the common one real life second = one ingame minute we will have a much longer day so you don't have to rush, and you can actually relax while playing. Regenerating stamina will require taking naps after eating and balanced meals will be very important to keep Adam working at full capacity, so keep an eye on nutritional value.

* Supply & Demand Economy [PARTIALLY IMPLEMENTED] Prices on good and services will be based on supply and demand. Each NPC will have needs and wants, and their purchases will be based on that. But demand can be created, if you want to sell a specific crop just make a good recipe that uses it and hand out some free samples! Trends and word of mouth will cause prices on all items to change, not just yours.

* Festivals of Prosperity will happen on the second and last week of each season, but only if the city has spare resources. If Edengrall does through hard times don't expect a cooking festival or feast in the end of the month. If the NPCs are not managing to get the festivals running you can donate resources and gain more voting power when the citizens are voting which will be the next festival.

Meet the Citizens

Other features like Alchemy, Combat, Mining and Dungeon diving are planned, but will be released later in expansions.