Fixes and Improvements (v0.8.96)

Star Vortex

Star Vortex is an Action-RPG inspired by classics like Diablo 2. Design your ship, fight your way through hostile alien sectors, upgrade as you salvage rare weapons and experiment with different builds until nothing can stand against you.

Just some quick fixes before I embark on the next big update. After getting a bit of feedback I've re-arranged the roadmap. Gameplay right now can get a bit repetitive with combat only really being broken up by quick trips to the fleet to repair and re-supply. Also far too many of the weapons can be a bit useless. As such I think it's important to get the [b]item crafting system[/b] in next. This system will allow you to take modifiers from items you don't want as well as increase their rarity and level. Star base sieges will now be pushed back to the update -after- this next one. I hope you all have a nice holiday, see you in the new year! [h1]Patch Notes[/h1] [b]Balance Changes[/b] [list] [*] Reduced number of enemies in rescue encounters. [*] Halved damage of Species-XI hunter elite enemy. [/list] [b]Quality of Life / Accessibility[/b] [list] [*] Utility slot now remains active despite boost invulnerability. [*] Ship will now drift in direction they are turning to face. [*] Using face bindings with a keyboard now auto-enables turret mode. [*] Controller shoulder buttons no longer turn the ship when aiming with right stick. [*] New sound effects added for rewards and encounter complete / failed. [*] Current ship class is now highlighted on upgrades panel. [*] Overheat warning sound can now be previewed from settings panel. [*] Friendly tags on arriving ships are now blue to match the rest of the game. [*] Rescue ships now get a blue reticle around them to make them easier to see. [*] Faction dialog and echo visits no longer trigger on rescue encounters. [/list] [b]Performance[/b] [list] [*] Fixed a large amount of the latency when buying / selling in the mothership panel. [/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*] Fixed hash and key test languages in developer mode not being selectable. [*] Fixed invalid AABB in AABB error when arriving at boss encounters. [*] Primary weapons no longer generate heat when boost invulnerability is active. [*] Fixed bug where charges on weapons could get stuck with incorrect value. [/list]