Elderine Update 24 - Some more bugs fixed

Elderine: Dreams to Destiny

A story-driven role-playing game. Rescue people, build a base, farm, craft, explore. Action Battle System, classic rpg

[b]Fixed Bugs[/b] [list] [*]Fixed exit points across various maps [*]Fixed Guards face in Haspar Port [*]Fixed Tombstones at Riverend [*]Fixed walls at Fort Avton you can no longer walk over these [*]Fixed walls at the Stone Masons house - you would think he wouldnt nee his walls fixed! [*]Stalls north of your farm now fixed [*]Stairs at Fort Avton fixed [*]Add Squirrels back into the game [*]Add exit markers in the sewers [*]You can no longer do Millys book quest more than once [*]Fixed stump leave in Elderine forest which didnt have interact balloon [*]Frog in Elderine Forest can now move no longer spinning [*]Removed armour - not used currently [*]Fixed exit from Elderine forest (your revisit) map. [*]Animation after fire temple fixed [*]Hopefully fixed end game endless rain [/list] [b]Things Changed[/b] [list] [*]Entrance to Slime Queen [*]Slime Queen area map [*]Northern Plain split into smaller maps to improve gameplay (lag) [*]Added more harvest plants across maps [/list] [b]More to Come[/b] [list] [*]More items to harvest [*]New area to explore - Del Rosa [*]More craft books [*]More content in Kate's story line [*]Different health potions (removing more health pots) [/list]