Elderine Update 23 - Northern Plains fix

Elderine: Dreams to Destiny

A story-driven role-playing game. Rescue people, build a base, farm, craft, explore. Action Battle System, classic rpg

Hi all, More bug fixes and general updates. Big change this time is Northern Plains split up into smaller maps to reduce lag, and i've added crap balloons for items you can harvest. [b]Fixed:[/b] [list] [*]Northern Plains map was enormous and caused the game to lag for some players. This map has been broken down (and altered) into smaller map sections. This will mean different routes to locations. [u][b]Please note if you saved your game in the Northern Plains Map, please exit and re-enter to ensure you don't encounter any bugs. [/b][/u] [*]Airship graphic glitch removed [*]Building house bug fixed [*]Save menu issues should be fixed (for new games) [/list] [b]Added:[/b] [list] [*]More crafting flowers across all maps [*]Craft icons above items you can interact with (Harvest/chop/mine) [/list] [b]Known bugs – to Fix:[/b] [list] [*]Ability to redo temples [/list] [b]Things to be added:[/b] [list] [*]More items to harvest [*]New areas to explore after end game [*]New side quests and storylines [/list]