Launch - Bug Fixes

Elderine: Dreams to Destiny

A story-driven role-playing game. Rescue people, build a base, farm, craft, explore. Action Battle System, classic rpg

[b]Bug Fixies:[/b] [list] [*] Wind temple – wind sound not stopping when you leave front door – FIXED [*] Fort Avton Boss (Kallor) – Reappearing - FIXED [*] Airship Fast travel - Map – Should be Fixed. [*] Wind Crystal Quest not completing – FIXED [/list] [b]What’s next:[/b] [list] [*] Fix any remaining bugs [*] Add more quests [*] Add more items to find/craft [*] Add more storylines between Jason/Emily and Kate [/list] THanks for all your comments, bug spotting and help so far! :) Alan