Elderine Update 20 - Full Controller Support + Bug Fixes

Elderine: Dreams to Destiny

A story-driven role-playing game. Rescue people, build a base, farm, craft, explore. Action Battle System, classic rpg

It's never good to get stuck when you're trying to take part in an epic adventure! Especially if it's an art class! Today's update fixes a few bugs, introduces newly updated plugins for the battle system, input configuration (you can change key bindings from the options) and full gamepad support. [h1]Change Log[/h1] [b]Due to plugin changes and follower removal, a New Game is strongly recommended![/b] [b]Added:[/b] [list] [*]Full gamepad support [*]Input Configuration - Change key bindings. [*]New Plugins to support action battles. [*]Some more quests. [*]Some hidden chests [/list] [b]Bug Fixes:[/b] [list] [*]School map bugs - getting stuck. [*]Underground passge - map redraw and collision bug fixes. [*]Elderine Forest - map redraw and collision bug fixes. [*]Glen Tirel Carrots?? You mean Parsotas! [*]Some Bill boards showing wrong info. [/list] [b]Changes:[/b] [list] [*]Removed followers - you only see you now. [/list]