Elderine update 22 - more bugs fixed

Elderine: Dreams to Destiny

A story-driven role-playing game. Rescue people, build a base, farm, craft, explore. Action Battle System, classic rpg

Hi all, Quite a few bugs have been squished, thanks to [url=https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197996771309]MCCASH1333[/url] [b]Fixed:[/b] [list] [*]Emily dialogue when Emily not in party removed. [*]When leaving the airship, the airship travel noise now stops. [*]Removed the Knight Captain after you capture Fort Avton. [*]Quest items required to complete quests are now removed when you complete the quest. [*]Mason will no longer create multiple Elemental crystals. [*]Wind Temple save point removed. [*]You can now complete the quest “To the Talathin Tree” [*]Talathin Tree Forcefield dialogue fixed [*]Rain after completing the game bug should now be fixed [*]Bookshelf in Talathin Study descriptions fixed [*]Hal’nor palace – switch to open cell moved to make it easier to access. [/list] [b]Added:[/b] [list] [*]More Ulbus Flowers and Green Herbs to the maps [/list] [b]Known bugs – to Fix:[/b] [list] [*]Airship graphic glitch [*]Fixing the house bug [*]Ability to redo temples [*]Save menu issues [/list] [b]Things to be added:[/b] [list] [*]More items to harvest [*]New areas to explore after end game [*]New side quests and storylines [/list]