Covenant: Project Zero is a space opera set in a universe where interstellar corporations and big money interests run everything. Embark on an action-packed adventure as Captain John Covenant, accompanied by a band of rag-tag misfits, to confront the dark evil lurking in the universe.
Hello hello!
It's been a while since our last devlog, but we wanted you to know what's cookin'!
We were on a relentless push to release the game for the past three months, and the one idea that was bounced around and kept being postponed during development is now entering the execution stage.
So, without further ado:
[b]Achievements are coming to Covenant: Project Zero!!![/b]
The date is not yet set, but we're looking at no later then end of June for the entire batch of achievements to be added to the game, giving you a new dimension of gameplay experience, so stay tuned for the upcoming update!!!
Enjoy Covenant: Project Zero in the meantime! We are very grateful for this amazing communities ongoing support for indie game developers!