Demo 1.3.7 patch

Slaves of Magic

Humanity has been invaded by otherworldly forces using magic. Can you lead the resistance against the oppressors in this fantasy turn-based tactical strategy game to save humanity from becoming the Slaves of Magic?

Hello everyone! This is going to be a small patch that changes the balance and fixes some bugs. [h2]Balance changes:[/h2] [list] [*] Increased enemy density (meaning generally fewer squads, but those squads have more units in them), plus increased the average amount of them by 1. Previously, the enemies were spawning in a lot of small groups (even as small as 2! at lower intel levers) because they were quick in converging at the player. However, after the AI change, they are not as aggressive, and dealing with isolated teams was a bit too easy. [*] Added a new army that starts at size 1. The reason for this is twofold. The first one is this provides the player with another easy target in the beginning, providing more valid targets per month. The other one is that this sixth army can be upgraded in size by the invaders with supplies, giving another way for them to spend it. [*] Reduced the cost of new bases. The second base costs 400, and every new one after that only cost +200 more. The reason for this is that bases provide a lot less than when their cost was initially set. [*] Added a new main goal for the player right after choosing their headquarters which instructs the player to build a room in their base. The reason for this change is that a lot of new players can easily miss the base-building aspect, and this objective will make sure that they are aware of it. [*] Added more stamina for the VIP in escort missions, but increased the distance it has to travel. The reason for this change is that previously, the VIP needed multiple rest to reach the goal and it was simply not fun. After the change, the player will only need to plan for 1 rest, or some other way to restore the VIP stamina to reach it's destination. [/list] [h2]Bugfixes:[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed a soft lock that happened sometimes when generating VIP escort missions. [*] Fixed missing description for the end game screen for gained etherglow. [*] Fixed showing the wrong amount of gained etherglow when the player received the timed bonus. [*] Fixed the set direction after turning setting was always resetting after every mission. [*] Fixed walls and trees not being transparent when the VIP escape tile was behind them. [/list]