Demo 1.3.4 patch

Slaves of Magic

Humanity has been invaded by otherworldly forces using magic. Can you lead the resistance against the oppressors in this fantasy turn-based tactical strategy game to save humanity from becoming the Slaves of Magic?

Hello everyone! Our first bigger patch after the 1.3.0 demo release is here with a lot of tweaks and bug fixes! Plus a big out-of-combat AI behavior change. [h2]Major AI behavior change:[/h2] The AI was too aggressively rushing to the player's spawn point and as such it was easy to kill them all (especially with ranged weapons) inside the time limit for the bonus. While I don't want to completely invalidate this tactic, the time-limit bonus should only be archivable with proactiveness and risk-taking. To reach this goal, the AI squads now have 4 internal states. Hold/Patrol/Slow-Advance/Active. Hold means they just stay put. Patrol means they will randomly patrol the map with their walking speed. Slow-Advance walks towards the player's last known location again with walking speed. Active is the old behavior which is to rush to the last known location of the player. Pods will become active as soon as they see a player unit or they take damage. In addition, at the start of every round, they have a chance to escalate their status. The chance itself increases with the round number. In practice, this means that they will be less aggressive at the beginning of the combat so the player will need to actively seek them out if they want to finish the mission inside the time limit for the bonus. But their aggressiveness increases with time so that it doesn't devolve into trying to find the last pod for 10 turns. In addition, the randomness means that their behavior will be a lot more unpredictable. For example, you could be rather certain that a building was empty even without checking previously because the AI would have stormed out from it the first chance it got. Now, a pod can stay put for several rounds there, before going out surprising the player. [h2]Balance changes:[/h2] - The available character builds were very restricted in the beginning by every class skill requiring a base in their region. Now, the first 2 skills of every class are available from the start. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39292251/3013caf8985c1a67abdc6804dee6498265dab85e.gif[/img] - Reduced the crossbow damage by 1 across the board. - Increased the bow and crossbow equipment cost by 1. Massing range units should be less cost-efficient than melee units. - Shields have been a bit too easy to break so increased shields max health to 15. - Shields now have a +20 bonus block chance against ranged attacks, making them a more effective counter against ranged units. - Removed the hammer-making from the Barbarian region and it has been given to the Strategist region so that they have access to a melee weapon as well. - Changed the starting lineup of the Strategist region giving them a melee unit. - Units leveled up a bit too fast, so the gained XP rate has been tweaked. [h2]Ui changes:[/h2] - Skill chooser ui has been completely reworked to show the available skills in a better organized way, and to give the player a hint of all the available skills. - Added a level-up animation to returning troops. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39292251/1071c1b1b0d2da06549945099570106cc13ed206.gif[/img] - Fixed various missing and typos in descriptions. - In combat when you select an exhausted unit (only has 1 stamina) you will be notified with a sound effect. - Added borderless fullscreen option. [h2]Bugfixes:[/h2] - Fixed killing a redeemed(resurrected) priest counts for the assassinate mission when the priests are the target. - Fixed showing the headquarters bonus of a region when it was not chosen as such. - Fixed incorrect scaling when rendering at fullscreen on certain resolutions (like 4k). - Fixed damaged armor condition shown token number was incorrect. - Fixed a crash when opening the researched tab when nothing has been researched yet.