Demo 03 is up!

Deck RX: The Deckbuilding Racing Game

Welcome to the Deck Races! Build your deck and defeat your opponents in races across the galaxy. Unlock cards, characters and worlds, and claim the ultimate prize of immortality... Or perish trying.

Hiya! New demo for Deck RX (version 03) has been released! This will be the game's stable demo for a long, long time. Here is a comprehensive changelog for the demo: ## [0.1.5] - Demo_03 - 2021.12.24 ### Added - Pressing "Shift + Q" or "Shift + E" will now make the camera perform a fast rotation of 90 degrees. - Panning and rotating camera with mouse buttons. - Highlight effect on player car during its turn. - Car panels are highlightable during character's Zero Effect choice phase at the start of the race. ### Changed - Replaced dropdowns by choosers in game speed mode and graphics mode entries in the settings menu. - Car names in Race Finish screen are now tinted with their main car color. - Rework in minimized car panels' color scheme. - Car panels better reflect car deaths. ### Fixed - Issue which would prevent changing game speed mode and graphics mode when the settings menu opens during a race. - Pause menu no longer shows when pressing "Escape" to close an expanded view of the card piles during a race. - Bug where some enemies would start the race before the player in rare occasions. - The turn counter icon in the car panel is hidden once the car dies. - Lighting artefacts in Deaf City solar panel props. - Occassional memory access issues provoked by the destruction of track props and buildings after track tiles break off during explosions. ### Removed - UI elements making a call to action to the Kickstarter campaign. - Settings menu no longer displays the high-fidelity graphics quality option. Those of you who have participated on the Kickstarter with Gold pledges or higher will have received an email with your test key for the Open Development Build. The first version of this build is now live as well! Check our Discord for more info on this update's features! Thanks everyone for helping us make Deck RX a reality! Happy holidays! - The Meteorbyte Team