Changelog v1.1.32

1428: Shadows over Silesia

Medieval Europe is in the middle of religious upheaval and many a preacher predict the imminent end of the world. Immerse yourself in a dark fantasy story with true historical events in the background. You'll be facing intricate puzzles, challenging battles and cunning stealth.

[list] [*] Fixed animations of some villagers to better match walking speed [*] Chickens sometimes appeared too small or too big [*] [spoiler]Hell Knight and Devil were leaving behind equipment on the ground that was supposed to go to hell with them[/spoiler] [*] [spoiler]The non-playable Lothar and Hynek would no longer block the path and could be pushed away[/spoiler] [*] Chapter 7 [list] [*] [spoiler]Fixed an error in the text of the interaction with Straw[/spoiler] [*] [spoiler]Added a marker to the letter at the messanger camp[/spoiler] [*] [spoiler]If the monks are off screen in the city, they won't sing[/spoiler] [*] [spoiler]Increased the speed of monks off screen[/spoiler] [*] [spoiler]Guards in town sometimes did not respond to player's disclosure after the interview or responded late[/spoiler] [*] [spoiler]Lothar could sometimes turn his back during the cutscene of entering the duke's chambers[/spoiler][/list][*] Chapter 10 - [spoiler]Lothar now automatically dismounts from his horse to prevent the player from blocking the door[/spoiler] [*] Tourney at the Bear Rock DLC[list][*] Day 3 - [spoiler]Hidden goods at the blacksmith who isn't there[/spoiler] [*] [spoiler]Gipsy may have disappeared under certain circumstances and blocked the player's progress[/spoiler] [/list] [/list]