[h2]Hey Keepers,[/h2]
thank you for the plentiful reports. I pushed a lot today and was able to at least catch up with the bug reports and make a lot of fixes. This is basically a hotfix, so i need to rely on you a bit for feedback again, if i broke anything with the patch. Can definitely happen, but i can fix it quickly :)
I investigated a bit and found many nodes that were not properly cleaned up, similar to a memory leak. This could greatly impact performance over time (but would reset on reload).
Buzz saw was broken, not taking the supplement and vanishing on reload. That's fixed now.
Lastly, Tesla orbs were messed up. Instead of doing 25 damage, they did base damage * 2500%. This meant a ton of damage, but also that they vanished immediately. This is fixed now.
Here is what's new for [b]v4.0.2[/b]:
[h2]Balance and Changes[/h2]
[*] fixed many nodes not being cleaned up properly, which could lead to really bad performance over time
[*] chosen difficulty is now remembered per assignment
[*] converter now spits out resources more slowly, gives them an impulse and makes them float so they don't drop down into the mine
[*] dome resurrection will now trigger before auto repair
[*] invulnerability from dome resurrection now shows proper effect
[*] improved minimap colors for resources in remote station
[*] made resource teleportation via teleporter quicker
[*] added resource teleportation cooldown to upgrade stats
[*] made hornet pause a less long mid air, when flying towards the dome
[*] improved layout of upgrade icons and numbers in damage dealt statistic
[*] removed bolter from projectile hell, removed breeder from heavy hitter assignment
[*] fixed chainsaw going missing on reload
[*] fixed tesla orbs accidentally doing way too much damage
[*] fixed breeder immensely lowering the difficulty of a wave by limiting how many monsters can spawn
[*] fixed egg not hatching if it was not visible on screen for long enough
[*] fixed modloader exception when disable_all_mods is called when transitioning to godot4
[*] iron worms now account for shortened cycles in prestige
[*] fixed options always showing game options instead of last shown category
[*] fixed bug in cave tree seed when destroying tile it was rooting
[*] fixed issue when picking up cave bomb as assessor
[*] fixed resource teleportation not working for assessor bundles
[*] fixed battle drone release sound playing on master bus, ignoring all sound settings
[*] fixed iron worms bugging out when the tile they are attaching to is destroyed
[*] fixed damage statistics not being scrollable with controller
[*] fixed water from water cave not spawning at the right position
[*] fixed water cave having graphical error when moving far to the sides
[*] fixed crash in loadout when fighting monsters
[*] fixed bug with saving probe markers
[*] fixed side driller behaviour when in combat and when paused
[*] fixed hornet stabbing the dome from a distance if it was stunned on the last leg of its flight
[*] improved hitbox of phaser to play nicer with laser dome
[*] iron worm cage won't attach to tiles if it is carried
[*] improved shield position on arty dome
[*] fixed relic hunt run without monsters not ending properly on relic retrieval
Have you seen this awesome assessor artwork?
Thank you again for playing <3