A Keeper's Duty Beta: Patch #6

[h2]Hey Keepers,[/h2] tomorrow is the day the update will hit, but today we have one last patch. Please remember that we'll wipe the prestige leaderboards tomorrow, so they are not skewed because of the many balancing changes during the beta. I also expect we'll have at least one patch after the update to fix some newly found bugs, polish here and there and improve balance. I suspect that another exploit could be found. Here is what's new for [b]v4.0.0.62[/b]: [h2]Balance and Changes[/h2] [list] [*] added 3 new caves (iron cave, water cave, portal cave) [*] mac works again now [*] added anti stall mechanic to prevent some exploits. The idea is that new monsters will spawn during the wave if you try to stall the wave for too long. It's not plausible that one monster would hang around for a dozen cycles with no new monsters showing up. Mechanically it is needed because stalling got more useful, as more things keep working during combat. Please tell if you unexpectedly see new monsters spawning, despite being in a normal combat situation. [*] buffed laser damage [*] slight overcharge buff [*] improved loadout camera [*] made loadout mine look nicer [*] loadout now properly shows pets and primary gadget in dome [*] small battle drone rebalance [*] the countdown of the next monster wave will start soon after the current wave is done, even if the keeper is in the station (needed as otherwise sitting idle in the station would be an exploit, as many things now work during combat, like drones and the lift). [*] teleporter now also teleports resources during combat [*] squidley (squid from the cave) now gets faster the more resources it delivered [*] bloater can now only make up about 10% of a wave [*] phaser teleports a bit faster towards the dome [*] more savegame sanitization, so fewer issues with changes and mods [*] updated localisation and improved some texts [*] stingers (short musical clips) when opening a chamber now respond better with a custom OST setting [*] improved audio in various places [*] added side driller tutorial [*] added meaningful readable properties to dome armor supplement [*] adjusted audible distance of tile destroy sound and transport drone [*] disabled telemetry. It was cool and useful, but the current solution was too large and expensive - more than we really needed. [*] re-enabled modloader, disabled all mods for profile when updating game-version [/list] [h2]Bugfixes[/h2] [list] [*] fixed rich fibre achievement to be able to trigger with the new balancing [*] fixed music switching mid track in multiplayer-loadout [*] fixed mining-summary positioning issue [*] fixed packing drops in bundle sometimes dissolves bundle completelty [*] fixed mining summary gif export logo position with long username [*] fixed probemarker instantly disappearing cutting off sound [*] fixed tech tree ui showing another stage of repeatable upgade even after it is maxed out [*] fixed manually unpausing in furnace station [*] fixed out-of-bounds elements breaking minimap [*] implemented saveload of recorder, so timelapse fully works with reloaded save games [*] fixed mining summary issues with controller [*] fixed dome armor pulse effect [*] fixed cablesegment shader having wrong colors [/list] Thank you for participating in the open beta, have fun :)