[h2]Hey Keepers,[/h2]
it has been great to see how many of you are enjoying the new update! I'm constantly reading your feedback and bug reports and try my best to keep up, which i can't quite manage yet. I do read everything over time though, even if don't immediately respond, and we take everything into our bug tracking.
If you have feedback on the difficulty, please provide some details what you were playing and what you struggled with. Especially if you play assignments it is crucial to know which one you played and if it was regular or challenge. I'll continuously tweak the balance according to your feedback.
[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40568463/60a8121c80906f713876855d0e8662732f79ce3c.png[/img][i]Can you spot the change with the iron and water tiles?[/i]
Here is what's new for [b]v4.0.1[/b]:
[h2]Balance and Changes[/h2]
[*] made final wave harder again
[*] added additional resource sprites
[*] rebalanced how fast monsters can spawn after each other during one wave and made it faster for high difficulties
[*] battle drones now show up as damage source
[*] improved stall detection
[*] cascading impact will now only affect rock tiles, no resources
[*] increased iron worm cost slightly, removed prolonged production time for meticulous worms
[*] assessor bundles try to stay together a bit more when flying on their own
[*] fixed cave seed not growing into a small tree if not visible on screen
[*] water and iron cave now do not produce when game is paused. Water has up to 3 water now.
[*] multiplayerloadout will auto persist meta state on changes
[*] Intensive treatment upgrade of converter is now much faster
[*] chosen assignment is now displayed in tech tree
[*] tesla orbs stats are a fixed value instead of being a percentage of shot damage now
[*] if multiple monsters are inside a tesla orb, damage is spread across all monsters but stun applies fully
[*] made loadout part of the loadout mine a bit nicer
[*] delivery assignments do not have repeatable upgrades now, but one big upgrade
[*] made drone speed upgrades a bit more expensive and quick drones have fewer shots
[*] shockwave hammer supplement damage is now a modifier on the base damage, to avoid having a tiny hammer supplemented with great damage and low cooldown
[*] halved how fast squidley would gain speed
[*] small performance increase
[*] improved many sounds
[*] added missing icons, fixed some icon sizes, improved some icons
[*] increased battle drone range
[*] less health for bloater
[*] added pause as an option to keybindings
[*] assessor doesn't ignore the increased tile health in the dense iron assignment any more
[*] fixed central marker not visible for assessor if bought via upgrade
[*] fixed crash that could happen when using resource packe
[*] larger mine area in mode config to compensate languages with long texts
[*] fixed telemetry popup not having focus on a button
[*] fixed exploit with manually mining tiles that are currently being mined by iron worms
[*] fixed scrap repair not being purchasable
[*] fixed accidentally offering to shred to 3 cobalt instead of 2, if three gadgets were offered
[*] fixed iron worms not showing up correctly in timelapse
[*] fixed intro music restarting when switching scenes while looping part plays
[*] fixed generation of split spheres not set correctly for one of the children, resulting in cascading impact working accidentally on child spheres
[*] removed old rotational mining code that was causing 4 fixed pixels on the assessor
[*] fixed conversion with 0.5 iron not working correctly (should consume one iron)
[*] name for fixed cobalt mode is back
[*] hardened loadout against non-existant keeper skins, so it won't crash if an old skin from a mod is persisted
[*] fixed shopping bag achievement triggering when using remote station
[*] fixed minimap rendering resource drops wrongly
[*] fixed local not switching completely when changing language in loadout stage
[*] fixed cheat detection limits not fitting provocation
[*] fixed unbreakable rock in loadout
[*] added missing patch notes for v4.0
[*] fixed bloater not actually shrinking faster if no monsters were around
[*] fixed resource teleportation being audible in the whole world
[*] fixed artillery station visual error on exitting station
[*] packed drop will now also properly shred and shrink
[*] fixed wrong message in assignments about possibly getting another badge if beating challenge mode without having played regular mode
Thank you again for playing <3