1.27 preview

People Playground

Shoot, stab, burn, poison, tear, vaporise, or crush ragdolls in a large open space.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35398057/f8fbd236ea5f334f02a683aa82663bb800fb24b4.png[/img] Preview 1.27 is now live on the preview branch. [url=https://github.com/studio-minus/ppg-bugs-and-requests/issues]Please report any bugs here[/url] and follow the instructions carefully. Note that this build does not include the activation rewrite. [h1]This is a preview branch. It is a work-in-progress. Do not play on this version of the game unless you are accepting of potential bugs, lag, and possibly permanently corrupting your save data.[/h1] [h2]Added[/h2] [list] [*]New map: Reactor A5 [*]Decoupler [*]Office Chair [*]Office Desk [*]Office Computer [*]Office Monitor [*]Naval Mine [*]Chain [*]"Mute" context menu option to the Lagbox, Metronome, Missile Launcher, and Timed Gate [*]Blunt impact can now emit blood particles [*]Blunt impact have a chance to cut the skin open [*]Sound effects for bullet cracks and whizzes. [*]Grid and angle snap size settings with optional keybinds [*]Bus window can shatter [/list] [h2]Changed[/h2] [list] [*]Casing ejection particles no longer scale with the weapon [*]Closed suspicious mod rejection loophole [*]Made tempered glass shatter quicker [*]Increased default physics iterations to 32 [*]Increased maximum physics iteration count to 256 [*]Increased minimum physics iteration count to 8 [*]Made it easier to select objects inside other objects by prioritising the smallest object under the cursor [*]Improved fragmentation explosion crushing behaviour [*]Organisms can now fully restore their blood levels on their own [*]Missile Launcher missile will now explode when shot with a sufficiently large round [*]Increased headshot fatality rate [*]Slightly increased bullet knockback force [*]Made sentry turret AI more consistent [*]Doubled the lethality of the landmine [*]Changed water surface explosion SFX [/list] [h2]Fixed[/h2] [list] [*]Mods occasionally failing to upload [*]Rewrote significant parts of the control scheme system, fixing a few inconsistencies, bugs, and "what the hell" moments [*]Humans could live having all their blood replaced with a tasty beverage [*]Zombies healing wounds [*]Cardiopulmonary bypass machine collision serialisation working incorrectly [*]Attachments detaching when weapon is activated using activator electrode [*]Incorrect servo description [*]Immobility field - sentry turret interaction weirdness [*]Heartrate monitor showing 70 bpm when it shouldn't [*]Broken plate debris not showing up when flipped [*]EscapeRichText loophole [/list]