1.2 Patchnotes | New Features, Bug Fixes, Balancing

Pancake Patrol

A unique blend of Bullet Heaven & Hell! Embark on a pancake-fueled roguelite adventure! Defeat thousands of monsters with food-based weaponry, face bullet hell bosses, & explore many game modes. Unlock 10 characters, conquer Boss Rush challenges, fight 1v1 boss battles, join the Pancake Patrol!

Hi all! o/ [b]Thank you all so much for your support of my first little game and all the feedback you are sending me![/b] Here are the patchnotes: [h2]General Stuff:[/h2] [list] [*] [b]NEW[/b] Refresh Button on Level Up Screen [list][*] It is now possible to refresh upgrades on level up three times. I might add rewards or drops to the maps which can increase this. Looking forward to your feedback[/list] [*] [b]NEW[/b] The Loading Screen features useful tips now [*] Upgrade button now shows "Loading..." when clicked on it, to prevent the illusion of a lag [*] Menu buttons are reacting faster to input [*] Changed scary ghosts sound effect [*] Better wording for coffee rush, so it's clear what it does [*] Better contrast on witch duo's attacks [*] [b]NEW[/b] Right-click on a level to open and close the challenge panel in addition to [hover over a level] + [TAB] [*] [b]NEW[/b] Left-click to leave the challenge panel [*] Screen Shake added for weapons with ground impact [*] Gift Boxes now drop more stuff after getting P,L,I,N or S to unlock Bella [/list] [h2]Balancing Changes:[/h2] [list] [*] Level 1 Synergy weapons are now unlocked automatically if the required prerequisites are fullfilled. [*] Horde Mode negative slots appear more often, the longer the player survives. these thresholds have been pushed back by 60 seconds [*] Maple Syrup Tornados are slightly bigger now [*] Changed Bob's Synergy weapon with Bella's [*] The hidden exit now appears near the last cleared objective in Level 2 [/list] [h2]Bugfixes:[/h2] [list] [*] Bob now correctly turns around when his special is active. [*] Elite enemy drops now correctly drop apart from each other and not on top [/list] [h2]Known Issues:[/h2] [list] [*] [strike]Playing a level and then quitting the game from the main menu afterwards may lead to a crash. Issue is related to saving the file. I'm working on a fix.[/strike] [b]FIXED[/b] [/list]