0.7.0 Orb wand, increased mana, and trailer update


Build spells using a unique visual spell programming system. Create shields, mines, totems, anti-missiles, decoys, or anything else you can come up with. Challenge others to online duels where you fight with your custom spells.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39928699/24c327a02c1f7095d1b112f687e1269801f206ef.png[/img] Added a new wand that shoots orbs which are slow, floaty projectiles that don't deal any collision damage but have increased explosion damage. Mana and health are increased to allow more complex builds while avoiding one-shot spells. [h2]Added[/h2] [list] [*] Added orbs. Orbs are slower, floaty projectiles with increased explosion damage and no collision damage. [*] Added a wand that shoots orbs. [*] Added friendly orb glyph. [*] Added friendly totem glyph. [*] Added enemy totem glyph. [*] Added visual feedback when a wizard receives damage. [/list] [h2]Changes[/h2] [list] [*] Updated the steam trailer, screenshots, and gifs. [*] Increased wands mana usage. [*] Increased player max mana and mana regen. [*] Increased player health. [*] Decreased wizard base movement speed. [*] Changed explosion damage to not damage friendly entities anymore and to have more pushback force. [*] Slightly decreased spitting cost for small spellshots. [*] Changed wall tiles to have more variety. [*] Changed post-processing to make the game more vibrant. [*] Changed spellshot lighting to be more consistent. [*] Removed bloom effect. [*] Increased render performance by ~20%. [*] Increased the camera to mouse interpolation. [*] Changed the launch entry point from NuroseGame.Desktop to NuroseGame.Launcher. Should not change anything if you launch the game through steam. [*] Removed background moon. [*] Changed audio of the nature element. [/list] [h2]Bug fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed two bugs that caused players sometimes to not be able to use any wands until the player respawns. [*] Fixed issue when combining paths of two splitted glyphs not working correctly. [*] Fixed an audio issue that occurred when cloning a wizard with low health. [*] Fixed a rendering issue with powerup particles. [*] Fixed the powerup circle particle effect render issue when the player dies before the effect is finished. [*] Fixed splitting position offset. [*] Fixed render size of typing indicator issue if players have different UI scale settings. [*] Fixed the crash reporter to (hopefully) always show up no matter the crash cause. [/list]