0.13.0 The SpellCrafting Update


Build spells using a unique visual spell programming system. Create shields, mines, totems, anti-missiles, decoys, or anything else you can come up with. Challenge others to online duels where you fight with your custom spells.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39928699/bad3b2e61d33ac1ac1d7cb6e31084e40f1746117.png[/img] It has been a while. This update improves spellcrafting in various ways. Most notably: [list] [*] Custom glyphs: Spells are no longer confined to a single grid, increasing spell customizability. [*] Loadout Workshop support: Loadouts can now be shared within the game through Steam Workshop. [*] Element changes: Rock element added and several elemental buffs reworked, allowing for more tactical spells per element. [*] Loop glyphs reworked: Replaced the loop glyphs with start, reset, invert, and end block glyphs, which should be more intuitive. [*] Performance: Recoded the entire spell execution system to allow for more glyphs with less online lag. [/list] [h2]Added:[/h2] [list] [*] Added Workshop support with in-game browsing and preview editor. [*] Added custom glyphs with icon editor. [*] Added rock element. [*] Added bounce glyph. [*] Added different pathing glyphs. [*] Added tether direction glyph. [*] Added control tether. [*] Added a screen shake on/off option. [*] Added a new large map with powerups. [*] Added back the original empty pre-0.12.0 map to the rotation. [/list] [h2]Changes:[/h2] [list] [*] Reworked and optimized the entire glyph execution system. This will introduce timing differences compared to previous versions but should be minimal. [*] Glyph count limit is set to 255 per wand to allow for complex interplay with custom glyphs, with a cap for performance. [*] Reduced ambient mana decay of shots. [*] Increased knockback scaling with wand instability. [*] Increased directional explosion radius by 75% compared to the normal explosion radius. [*] Increased rounds from best of 5 to best of 7 (first to win 4 rounds). [*] Reduced input delay from 2 to 1 step. [*] Changed Nature Element effect to "lifesteal." A portion of damage dealt is given back as health. [*] Changed Air Element effect to allow walking through spellshots. [*] Changed Water Element mana powerup drops to follow the player around. [*] Buffed the strong mana powerup effect. [*] Scaled harden tether force with mass to reduce random self-acceleration issues. [*] Changed hand animation. [*] Healing amount is now shown, similar to how damage is displayed. [*] Increased map size for several maps. [*] Changed Fire Edge map crate layout. [*] Changed all icons to uniform size for the custom glyph icon editor. [*] Homing performance optimizations. [*] Moving while shooting now reduces movement speed. [*] Window border is now black instead of white on Windows 11. [*] Moved target glyphs to the Utilities tab as it has more space. [*] Increased fire ground effect damage. [*] Changed loadout file naming structure. [/list] [h3] Bug Fixes:[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed an OpenGL texture issue causing crashes at startup for specific hardware. [*] Fixed window start visibility issue. [*] Fixed large spellshot collision issue. [*] Air reduced damage multiplier was not applied to arrow damage. [*] Fixed hand animation bug. [*] Fixed out-of-map bounds check. [*] Fixed animation bug when shooting in a different direction than movement. [*] Fixed leaderboard menu crash if 0 matches have been played. [*] Improved networking lag distribution so that both players experience similar levels of jitter. [/list]