World Area Maxed QoL Improved V0.50-1:

Farmer Against Potatoes Idle

Pick up your sword and fight off waves of Potatoes by upgrading your stats constantly, use Equipment, choose between different Classes, put your many Talents to good use, and so much more designed to keep you entertained for a long time.

The new Ascension Milestone to make World not reset anymore is changed to a World Waves always maxed. This is done because before doing an Ascension, you often do a Reincarnation which resets most wave/world cleaned already. To avoid this, maxing Waves is a good fix, and a nice improvement. Labor Challenge will also benefit from it, so the first run allows you to warp to the Area you feel most comfortable beating. All future Reincarnations in a new Ascension are also going to keep everything maxed in these early Worlds.