Next Update Announcement & Minor Fix V0.50-2:

Farmer Against Potatoes Idle

Pick up your sword and fight off waves of Potatoes by upgrading your stats constantly, use Equipment, choose between different Classes, put your many Talents to good use, and so much more designed to keep you entertained for a long time.

Fix: [list] [*] Area 8-9 Helm icon changed so it's not confused with the Shield anymore. [*] Cow Factory boost remain open after ascending if the Area required is kept. [/list] We are making a new game plus mode that will be available to anyone who reach A#20, this allow anyone to start a 2nd save and go back and forth between the main game and new game plus. It will have a lot of QoL kept right from the beginning such as the A#20 milestone so Ascension won't be a thing anymore as well as a few others nice thing kept. It should be ready in ~14 days and right before the next end game content is being worked on.