Assembly & More V0.48

Farmer Against Potatoes Idle

Pick up your sword and fight off waves of Potatoes by upgrading your stats constantly, use Equipment, choose between different Classes, put your many Talents to good use, and so much more designed to keep you entertained for a long time.

New: [list] [*] Assembly got a new All Stats button that will sum up every Line bonus to show the final one applied. [*] 10 Assembly Lines. [*] 16 Farming Unique Upgrade. [*] 1 Whack Upgrade for A#25. [*] 3 Expedition Upgrade for A#25 and A#30. [*] 1 Residue Upgrade for A#30. [*] Code after unlocking Outpost. [/list] Update: [list] [*] Multiplayer Boss HP System changed (visually to make it less confusing), it will now work as real HP and the bars evolve when it hit 0 and make the next Boss level up, this will be doable up to 5x which make the next Boss 5 level higher, but even after that everyone can still attack the Boss and when his HP get to 0, the UI will simply show him full life again and restart. [*] Leaderboard have been reworked to be centered on the UI and the value formatted. [/list] Fix: [list] [*] Multiplayer Boss HP added into the formatting of number (start after 1b). [/list]