Massive World Keeping QoL & More V0.50:

Farmer Against Potatoes Idle

Pick up your sword and fight off waves of Potatoes by upgrading your stats constantly, use Equipment, choose between different Classes, put your many Talents to good use, and so much more designed to keep you entertained for a long time.

New: [list] [*] Ascension Milestone between A#3 & A#15 to make World not reset anymore, so after ascending you keep the unlock and Area already beaten in them. [*] 2 Upgrade in the Cow Factory Shop & Expedition Shop to improve the Mineral Scaling based on Outpost Level. [*] 1 Upgrade in the Farming Unique Shop, Headscratcher at e320. [*] Soul QoL to fully Automate Town building which unlock at A#15. [/list] Update: [list] [*] Slightly improved the Fries formula after e600, more will come over time. [/list] Fix: [list] [*] Ascension stats should look better in Russian language. [*] Worm rate were wrong since last patch. [/list] This update aim at improving the early Ascension players experience, by slowly keeping the World Area completion, which make early Ascension way faster, and allow to climb in a matter of minute as you don't have to clean every Area over again