League Booster V0.52:

Farmer Against Potatoes Idle

Pick up your sword and fight off waves of Potatoes by upgrading your stats constantly, use Equipment, choose between different Classes, put your many Talents to good use, and so much more designed to keep you entertained for a long time.

League New: [list] [*] Pet will now open on Area 2-2 to allow people to start using more bonus source and farm them. [*] Challenge 7 reward Skull Page 3 don't reset anymore is constantly active. [*] Auto Whack Timer Reduction maxed so it's done every 5 minutes. [*] Whack Auto Play bought and it's Speed at 5/19. [/list] League Update: [list] [*] Increase to Reincarnation Exp based on time spent in this Reincarnation (the multiplier in the Reincarnation screen will grow faster & bigger). We going to try to make those League really last ~20-30 days for normal player, so expect a tons of others change in the following days/weeks. [/list]