WoodZone | Devlog #1


WoodZone is a unique opportunity to become an entrepreneurial lumberjack. Imagine that you have a company that grows in front of your eyes or you go up the ladder in another corporation to eventually become the boss in it.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38453457/231fe1d61051de5b47fe62b681a95ccf2bd4ff38.png[/img][h3]Hello, lumberjacks![/h3] It has been a while since our last update, and we would like to share some news, plans and explanations. [olist] [*] The game is still under development and will be published. We haven't abandoned it for a single day. [*] We are going to post Devlogs regularly from now on. [*] The game has changed a lot, and we had to change its scope. [/olist] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33439258/a4bde1e396072290a435949166ad64dd89555b3b.png[/img] We need a word of explanation here. We had suffered a major delay with the game development due to the Unreal Engine version being used for WoodZone. Originally it was developed on Unreal Engine 4.14 that caused us some technical issues that a currently used version solved. Sadly just as much it solves a lot of troubles, it brings just as many new ones. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33439258/ca48c87e66c6a9cca45a039747c6516d4614de77.png[/img] With the failure of Kickstarter, we had to change the scope of the game as well. Originally it was supposed to become a multiplayer sandbox game with a lot of Tycoon-like gameplay. Currently, the game has become a single-player story-driven game with a lot of Tycoon-like gameplay. For that purpose, we are doing three things in parallel. - Fixing Unreal Engine version swap related issues. - Improving already made stuff while fixing it (mostly graphics) - Creating new content for the game. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33439258/a09dd077b92f3a32d94341ea3d52aecaa4f77a4b.png[/img] Right now, our main concern is to fix animations in the game as soon as we make it, we will be able to show much more from the gameplay. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33439258/ad8871ea907f956164bd49513d2b051263fbb27d.png[/img] Next Devlog in two weeks. We will post it every 2 or 3 weeks from now on. Stay tuned, Lumberjacks, chopping away. [i]Desand Game Studios "WoodZone" team[/i] https://discord.com/invite/p7vdrn8 [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38453457/8c989535fc240b12cc1f513015af4d68ab4eb66f.png[/img]