Where we are


You are the Undead. Nemire is turn based tactical RPG in which you are an immortal warlord controlling a squad of undead in a medieval fantasy world. You slay, crush, burn and poison filthy humans for their souls to infuse your squad with new powers and advance for total annihilation.

Necromancers, A 20% OFF sale is going on until 20 May, get it now if you haven't already! With an influx of new players we have now slain [b]10869 [/b]humans and summoned [b]2596 [/b]undead. Which is completely insane - you guys are destroying them! [h3]What's up[/h3] Right now I'm working on a bigger game update than we had before. Content, QoL and balance changes are the main themes. I will be adding more types of enemies, especially in the early game for more diversity. One is already fully complete. All of them will have an active ability and will specialize in a certain role. Mission types is something that I think lacks the most. Ideally I would want each environment to have one exclusive mission type that fits the theme of the environment. Some of the visuals really needs a second pass or some polishing. Especially in the UI department. Expect improvements to UI visuals and some environment changes. [h1]You [/h1] Give me feedback. Feature or content ideas, quality of life wish list. Anything goes. Found a bug? Did the game crash - let me know! Use any of the channels for feedback: here on Steam, Discord or in-game Feedback form. I will be most responsive on Discord and I made sure I can't miss in-game feedback submissions.