We stole a page out of Marvels playbook (new post-credits scene)

Just a quick update, but lots of things are happening in the office. In just a few weeks we launch the VR-version of Medusa, so we are doing our best to spread the word about the upcoming launch. Any help would be appreciated! Also, as a way of saying thanks to you guys and giving you a hint of things to come we've added a post-credits scene to the game! It's just a small teaser scene from our new project, but it might give you an idea of how the second game in the Medusa universe will look when it comes out next year. [img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/11958508/ef67b08c858a647c4374b5f05817a20f98fe2e8c.png[/img] As always, thanks for coming along with us on the journey, we really appreciate your support! /The Guru Games dev team