As the Oracle foretold, a new horror has begun stiring...

Medusa's Labyrinth

Medusa’s Labyrinth is a very short mythological first-person horror game set in ancient Greece. It takes myths and legends that have stayed with us for over 2000 years and mix them together with modern gameplay. The game let's you explore murky catacombs and follow along a classic, tragic story.

Hey Everyone! We are very excited and a little terrified to tell you that we are working on a new project that we believe you will all enjoy. It's too early to tell you much about it, but if you sign up for our newsletter you will get some exclusive insight in the process and the opportunity to give us feedback early on, which we would appreciate a lot! Sign up [] here [/url] [img][/img] Thanks a thousand times over for all the support and encouragement we've gotten so far, it's meant a lot to us and we hope that you'll continue to follow and support us in our future endeavours as well! All the hugs /The Guru Games team.