New uppdate with requested fixes and celebrating 25 000 downloads!

Medusa has only been out for a little more than a week and have been excited and a little nervous about what kind of feedback we would get on launch. As it turns out most of you seem like our game and we could not be more happy with the reactions we've gotten. We have also gotten some good suggestions on improvements and features that you want, so today we launched a patch that focused on the following issues: [list] [*] Fixed issue with delay in the sound, footsteps and jump. [*] Fixed missing collision in the outside area [*] Added option to enable invert Y [*] Fixed problems with sounds triggering multiple times. [*] Split second father note in to two separate notes. [/list] We also just hit 25 000 downloads! Yay! The number of Collector's edition sales are still very low (less than 100) but a lot of you are trying out the game, which was our goal from the start. If you would like to support us please consider getting the art book as well, as it would really help us keep a roof over our head, but don't sweat it if you don't have the cash, we understand :) Have a wonderful weekend, and may poseidon fill all your cups with delicious wine!